Call for Entries: City Metro Panorama Photo-Mural Project


Wendy Johnson, Know Thyself, 2010

Photo Center NW and King County Metro invites you to submit your photographs to the 2014 City Panorama Photo-Mural Project.

DEADLINE: March 31, 2014

This project began in 2010 through a partnership between PCNW and King County Metro as a way to incorporate the beauty of photography into public art installations in Seattle and greater King County;  since the program’s launch more than 200 photo-murals have been installed in bus shelters.  The City Panorama Project seeks photographic artwork that will bring beauty and new perspective to the public art scene while increasing the visibility of the photographic arts in King County.

The 2014 call theme is Mirroring Life, check out the slideshow below to see images from past years City Panorama project. 

Submissions are accepted on www.callforentry.org; to participate, and for details and submission instructions, click here.

[portfolio_slideshow exclude=”19825,19824,19672″]

This project is made possible through a grant from 4Culture, thank you.

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