Our jury has chosen over 200 images for the Long Shot Exhibition & Celebration on Saturday July 27!

View a preview of the selection here:
Long Shot 2013 Image Selections (PDF)
….and stay tuned for a full slideshow of Long Shot 2013 images! Your next step is to print, mat and frame your image. Download the submission form here, and include with your framed piece when dropping off to the Photo Center.
Here are the image titles for 2013!!! (alphabetically by first name/filename)
Adrian Koering Night Light 2255pm.jpg
Adriana Bordea, Untitled.JPG
Ahamed Iqbal Safety 900PM.jpg
Al Garman, Solstice20130621AG9.jpg
Al Varady Two Hoops 737pm.jpg
Alli Curtis, Babystylez 400pm.jpg
Allison Beezer Acme Eggs.jpg
Amy C Abadilla Doors 835am.JPG
Amy Rainey Mural 747am.jpg
Angela Prosper Magnuson Orb 1039PM.jpg
Angelina Heyd Untitled 819pm.jpg
Anita Peluso Soccerfield 732am.jpg
Ann Parker Swish 232pm.JPG
Anne Retterer Beach from Ferris Wheel 2PM.jpg
Annie Van Avery Boundary 5pm.jpg
Anuj Rajbhandari Here Comes Summer 0648pm.jpg
Avi Loud Support 336pm.jpg
Bea Geller The Conversation 3.jpg
Betty Schlueter Beer in the Sink 509pm.jpg
Brian C Morris Lone Beer 110am.jpg
Candace Fields, Bath.jpg
Carissa Meier Wading 800pm.JPG
Carly Gaebe, Florida 224pm.JPG
Carol Marty Old Seattle City Light Building 356pm.jpg
Carol McGregor Holly Drey 1029am.jpg
Carrie Barker, Tuba Player 446pm.JPG
Cass Walker Searching the Waters 233PM.jpg
Christina Cadenhead, Stepladder 0913pm.jpg
Christine Williams Crossing 9pm.jpg
Christopher Hetzel Seeker 231pm.jpg
Chrystal Vang I Once was an Egg 7.jpg
Claire Carpenter, Bird on a String 1033am.jpg
Claude Peschel Dutombe BKK No 05 310pm.jpg
Clemone Shahwan Case Series 110p 4a.jpg
Constance Brinkley, In The Company of Raccoon 742pm.jpg
Cynthia K Todd 22 Prairie Fox 22 715am.jpg
Dabi Stathakopoulos L1008585.jpg
Dan McCormack Vera J 6221309AC330pm.jpg
Daniel j Gregory Harbor Lights Study#5 2001.jpeg
Daniel Silverberg Southwest Chute Sandwich 0322pm.jpg
Daniel Silverberg Summer Solstice Snowman 0550pm.jpg
Danielle Kelly Mermaid Parade Girl Pink 323PM.jpg
Daria Schubert Bucketdirect 628pm.jpg
David Docter, Alki Sunset Reflection 917 pm.JPG
David Moore Bluejay Couple 0701pm.jpg
David Wylde Roller Coaster 9pm.jpg
Dean Wenick LongShot07 0300pm.jpg
Debbie Ableson, 10-F86406E9-1361835-960.jpg
Debbie Heemstra Novak Time and Place 515am (1).jpg
Deja Hsu photo2.JPG
Dennis Sikhanthat, 1043969_10152276645794119_1755546853_n.jpg
Dennis Stein Trees 2603pm.jpg
Diane Randecker Sunrise 540am.JPG
Dick Eagle, Redwing 206pm.jpg
Dina Hrisko The Pig 626pm.jpg
Don Turriaga Data Breach 157PM.jpg
Don Turriaga Data Wiping 307PM.jpg
Dylan Cline, Barnscape 9pm.jpg
Edlyn D Souza, Festive Sky 2.32PM.jpg
Eduardo Nunez At play1 557pm.jpg
Elizabeth Beeman, My New Buddy 705PM.jpg
Elizabeth Johnston Joy 2PM.jpg
Ellen Sollod Valkyrie 5.04p.m.jpg
Emily and William Eddy, Untitled 1119pm.jpg
Erica Schisler Blueball 10 40pm.JPG
Faith E Lester Ferrycpy 740pm.jpeg
Francisco Macias O_DONT_WANT_TO_SEE_THE_BEAUTY_Sat_2.28pm_4.35pm.jpg
Galicia Aidstiches HOLGA Bike PM.jpg
Gareth Abraham,TheY 1.53pm.jpg
Gary Spradling Kona Pomsun 0205pm.jpg
Gerard van Wesep Solstice Sail 809pm.jpg
Gina White Knee High to a Grasshopper I-730am6-22-2013copy.jpg
Gordon Lee Darth Vader 0239pm.jpg
Grace Weston Abstraction 315pm.jpg
Heather Nelson Luminescent Fungus pm4.jpg
Helen Vogel Dakota Street 0627am.jpg
Helen Vogel Snowfence 0643am.jpg
Inger Schoelkopf Bjjroll 1010am.JPG
Inger Schoelkopf Strength of Will 1140am.jpg
J Cortes, In Shadow 812pm.jpg
Jaci Conger, Bogart 558pm.jpg
Jake Alexander, Chris and Camper 1205pm.jpg
James Dykes, Bird and Skull.jpg
James Kuan Moment 203pm.jpg
Jamil Hellu The Mission 1012am.jpg
Janet Neuhauser Solstice to Solstice 637PM.jpg
Jarvi Kononen 1206pm.jpg
Jasper Park P1020641.JPG
Jeff Benoliel Issaquah Hatchery Weir1.jpg
Jeff Lakin The Trail 546pm.jpg
Jeff Merriman-Cohen Paradise 733PM.jpg
Jennifer Sutton Farmers Market 0143.jpg
Jenny Riffle Old Elbe Dump 245PM.JPG
Jenny Schell Homelessman 612pm.jpg.JPG
Jeremy Allyn Death Of A Pianist 705am.jpg
JessyLou DAprile InstantNo1 622pm.jpg
JessyLou DAprile Solstice Pin Hole Camera with Print 12.21.12 to 6.21.13.jpg
Joan Dinkelspiel Becoming Lake 919PM.jpg
John Armstrong Lost and Found No 1 115pm.jpg
John Hubbard As Nature Intends 2230.jpg
John Wilmot solstice4 430pm.jpg
John-Marshall Mantel, IMG_8525.jpg
Jordon Pipkin Clear Road Ahead 1105AM.jpg
Jorge Lizarraga Fox Store 0200pm.jpg
Joshua Weinstein Peaking Out1114am.jpg
Joyce Lam 1DSC_0335.JPG
Julia Kuskin Kites 224pm.jpg
Julie Abnet Vintage 153pm.jpg
Julie Lopez Shadow And The Cloud 702pm.jpg
Justin Waters Best BBQ 327pm.jpg
Justin Waters Hearne Municipal Airport 426pm.jpg
Justin Waters X 235pm.jpg
Kathryn Frederick Family 1151am.jpg
Kathryn Hightower Pensive Glow 0911pm.jpg
Katie Gebala Into Oblivion 240pm.jpg
Katie Thompson Wheel Of Greatness 10am.jpg
Katy Williams Wild One 3am.jpg
Kay Ramming Ivy 330pm.jpg
Kelsey Ferguson, Drift 1100am.jpg
Kevin Rapuano Johnson Cloudy Water 919am.JPG
Kevin Tripp Midtown_20318pm.jpg
Kourtney Williams What a View 830pm.jpg
Kristen Miyake Coming Home 1128am.jpg
Kristin Lakin Train 554pm.jpg
Kristina Moravec Samba Ja 431pm.jpg
Krysta Rasmussen Solstice Masts 729pm.jpg
Kyle Heenk 20003965__DSC6848.jpg
Kyle Philips Free Washer and Dryer I Assume.jpg
Laura Baldeshwiler Breathing 1213pm.jpg
Laura Perry Solstice Balls 0525pm.jpg
Laura Sindell Aeriel4.jpg
Leilah Stehman Sugar, Polaroid 505pm.jpg
Leslie Kuo Blinded 135pm.JPG
Liesl Zappler 230pm Tree Fern.jpg
Linda Lizarraga Snake River 1210pm.jpg
Linda Plaisted Wild 11AM.jpg
Lisa Ahlberg White Center Off Delridge Series Artist 430pm.jpg
Lisa Bruce Tree Sky DSC2595.JPG
Long Bach Nguyen, Mount Redoubt, North Cascades Nationa lPark, Washington, 944am.jpg
LuAnn Wolfe Liberty House 226.jpg
Lucia Gregory Forty Buttons Minus One 1055am.jpg
Luretta Bybee Another Moon738pm.jpg
Makoto Sugimoto RRshoes 1228PM.jpeg
Marcia Glover Alaska Way 440pm.jpg
Marisa Vitiello Noon.jpg
Marivic Pinedo At Odds700pm.jpg
Mark Davison Bright Laces 0746pm.jpg
Mark Griswold Blades of Grass 847pm.jpg
Marta Bras Birds Bar 3-09.jpg
Marta Cabral CURVES 7.00PM.JPG
Martha Grenon Swimmer Weeds 759am.jpg
Mary Siple I90 Tree 1020am.jpg
Mary Siple Tethered Elephant 235pm.jpg
Matt Hertzfeld-19900336_image.jpg
Matt Sellars Diagonal 1201am.jpg
Maureen Carr Red Shoes 130pm.jpg
Mauricio Malagon You Are Here 310PM.jpg
Megan Joplin Untitled 627pm.jpg
Megan Lane Teeth 845pm.jpg
Megan Rooney IMG_2837.JPG
Melissa Albert, Union 230pm.JPG
Mercia Moseley Schoolhouse Steps 726pm.jpg
Michael Aarnio Juanita Bay 1256pm.jpg
Michael Bade A Meal 835am.jpg
Michael Bade He Goes By Stan 327pm.jpg
Michael Bade Time to Leave 9am.jpg
Michael Lane Nephropidae One 15.38.jpg
Michael Shope Skynets Alpha Solstice 829pm.jpg
Michelle Taul Boardwalk 1030pm.jpg
Mike Berry Pea Vines 3 659pm.jpg
Milena Zindovic Half Half 0147pm.jpg
Miles Miller White Crane 443pm.jpg
Miles Ranisavljevic Bottles 0715PM.jpg
Mona Lee Autorretrato 0714pm.jpg
Monica Valenzuela Steampunk solstice 517pm.jpg
Nate Mathews Untitled 520pm.jpg
Nathaniel Pleskoff Deception Pass 944am-1.jpg
Nick Spaccarotelli Don’t Mess With The Bride 708pm.jpg
Nicole Gausman Jesus Saves 1146PM.jpg
Olga Cebotarenco At the Library 200pm.jpg
Pamela Kliment Solar Panels at Nickelsville 637pm.JPG
Papo Vazquez Ferris Wheel 550pm.jpg
Paul Gulick Girl and Gorilla 1062213at219pmDSC_8536_edited2Longshot.jpg
Paul Martinez Issaquah Hatchery 904pm.jpg
Peggy Snyder Pattern 815am.jpg
Penny Lipsou The-wind-up-robot 518pm.jpg
Peter Ray Afloat 1157am.jpg
Rachael Sexton 1015am.jpg
Randi Rohde Black Rock 7pm.jpg
Rebecca Blackwell Storm Approaching 300pm.jpg
Ren Lis Love on the Run 647pm.JPG
Rich Zollner Gentrification 734pm.jpg
Rick Westcott Gemini Springs 544pm.jpg
Rob Pleskoff Sun & Trees 946am-1.jpg
Robyn Haaf Spirogyra 2014PM.jpg
Sabina Burd The Reader 0320pm.jpg
Sally Kim-Miller Stairs 341PM.jpg
Sally Poliak Cottonwoods are letting loose Sat4PM.jpg
Sarah King Besse Solstice 715pm.jpg
Sarah Robertson Looming Predator 1119am.jpg
Sean McKeever Crab Excavation 0949am.jpg
Shannon McClatchey 512chinatown 8pm.jpg
Sharon Styer Skateboard Shadow 600pm.jpg
Shun Cannady Double Take 0509pm.JPG
Sophia Zaboukos Refectingin Dijon 252.jpg
Souvik Cole, Skyline.jpg
Steph Harmon Morn after Solstice2 00.11am.jpg
Steve Hill Dogwood 751pm.jpg
Susan Gans So American 152pm.jpg
Susan Scott Park Creatures 414pmjpg.jpg
Suzanne Fiore Jewels 412pm.jpg
Tanya Card On Guard 716PM.jpg
Thomas Osborne Charlie’s Kitten 0723pm.jpg
Tim Lusk Safeco Field Jun21 918pm.jpg
Troy Zaboukos Curly Cuesin Dijon 842am.jpg
Tyler Coray Hurricane Ridge 330pm.jpg
Vicki Hunt Painted Brick 833am.jpg
Victoria Holt Seagull 0341pm.jpg
Victoria VanBruinisse Andie takes a dramatic morning sunbath Saturday 0811am.jpg
Wayne Buck Globe Theater 1105am.jpg
Yadesa Bojia July4 small.jpg
Zac Goodwin Sunflower-Final1-Recovered.jpg