Rummage Sale!


It’s here! Remember the madness last year? Our annual Photo Center Rummage Sale is back and you might just find what you were looking for. Join us on Sunday, December 16th, 12-7PM. Please note that the 12-2pm slot is open to students and members only, so if you want first dibs on all the great stuff consider becoming a member or signing up for a class!!


B&W Lab / Darkroom Supplies:
-Tanks (plastic and metal)
-Reels (plastic and metal)
-Negative Carriers
-Contact Sheet Makers
-Enlarging Lenses
-Grain Focusers
-Spot toner
-Stacks upon stacks of photographic paper, including color

Slide Projectors, Carousels, and Slide Mounts



Film Cameras and Lenses

Digital Cameras and Lenses

Camera Bags

Computer towers and Monitors

Studio Equipment

Photography books/magazines

Office Furniture

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