Join us on Friday, August 3 for a lecture with W.M. Hunt at the Seattle Art Museum, followed by an opening reception and award ceremony for Equivalents: 17th Annual Photo Competition Exhibition. Hunt will discuss will discuss his new book, The Unseen Eye: Photographs from the Unconcious, published by Aperture as well as the works in the Equivalents show. After the lecture please join us at the Photo Center for an opening reception and awards ceremony.
Lecture: W.M. Hunt, “How I look at Photographs”
Friday, August 3rd, 7 pm
Seattle Art Museum: Nordstrom Lecture Hall
Tickets $10, $8 PCNW & SAM members – Tickets will be sold at the door of the Nordstrom Lecture Hall
Opening Reception & Awards:
Equivalents: 17th Annual Photo Competition Exhibition
Friday, August 3rd, 8PM
Photo Center NW, immediately after lecture at SAM