Collodion & Tintypes: Back from the Dead

In September (September 25 to be exact) we’re hosting a workshop with Connie Begg, an artist and teacher versed in the use of wet collodion, a 19th century photographic process invented in the early 1850s. The process can be used to sensitize both glass plates (this was the predominant method of making photographs during the American Civil War) or to make positives like tintypes.


Connie will be doing a demonstration of the process here at the Photo Center, showing how to create tintypes in a large format camera, and other alternatives for making tintypes from existing negatives. Recently, we’ve seen quite a few works in exhibitions and around town in galleries made using antiquated and alternative processes.

We’ve also noticed the work of local photographer Daniel Carrillo, whose portrait series of Seattle arts scene figures was featured in the Stranger.

We hope you’ll join us for Connie’s workshop, or for future workshops on alternative and 19th century processes. In related news, we are offering a class: Intro to Non-Silver Processes – Cyanotype & Van Dyke, which will include a healthy dose of hands on 19th century photographic experimentation. If you’re interested, visit our classes page for more info.

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